in Penis Sizes
There is much more variety in penis sizes than you might have been led to believe
Some experts claim that
there is not much difference in the size of erect penises and that
the vast majority is situated between 5 and 7 inches long and
between 4 ½ and 5 ½ inches circumference. Anything beyond that is
very rare they say.
This may sound nice to the guy who worries if
women consider his six inch long penis small. Until he finds out that
many guys around him are much longer than that. It must be that
some experts are in business to make people feel worse by first
temporarily making them feel better, so that in the end they end up
at the doorstep of their psychoanalysis office. Don't fall in
their trap and see the truth as it is. Penis sizes vary much more
than that, in fact they vary as much as breast sizes.
Look around you. You see
all kinds of people, from short to tall, small to wide, fat to
skinny. Look at women. Their breasts range from small to big.
There are practically as many small and big breasted women as there
are medium breasted. The number of women is spread quite evenly
along the size scale.
Only at the extremities of the scale, the
cases get more rare: the women with practically no breasts or the
opposite, breasts the size of melons. Also, there are practically as
many thin as obese women with big breasts, just like there are as
many thin as obese women with small breasts.
Penises grow independently
from the rest of the body
The way breasts or penises grow is not the same as for example an
arm grows. An arm grows relative to your body's dimensions. The whole body grows as a unit, except breasts and penises (and
a few other things like ears and noses). They grow independently from the rest. The only
factors that decide their size are genetics and the supply and
balance of hormones during childhood. To illustrate this, just spot
any short or tall woman on the street. There is a good chance that
she has very small breasts, like less than two inches high in the
middle of the cone. There is also a good chance that she has big
breasts, maybe more than four inches high.
With men it is the same.
A short man can just as well have a four-inch long erect penis as a
nine inch penis. That is more than double the length. Now check out
some people's arm length. A short man has shorter arms than a tall
man does. Arms grow as a unit with the body. I have yet to see a
short person with a three feet arm and a tall person with a one and
a half foot arm.
If you want to have an idea about the variety in
penis size your competition has, then think for each small pair of
breasts there is a small penis, for each big pair a big penis, etc.
(leave the breast implants out of course). This doesn't tell you where you fit on the size scale but at least
it shows you that they are not all the same like some people try to
make you believe.
more on that read
this interesting message
a male nurse who has seen a lot of penises.
Average penis size