Anticipation For Sex
Strong male
square bodylines
broad shoulders
large hands
bigger muscles, and...
yes, a larger penis.
These characteristics
(traits) are what makes a man masculine. When
all these characteristics are emphasized in a certain man, women will favor him above one with less pronounced features.
He satisfies her instinct by confirming that she is dealing with a true
masculine man.
This is probably a little too much for the average girl's taste!
programmed women to look for such masculine features. It is not their choice, it is their
instinct. A woman is
attracted to men because men represent sex and security.
The larger a man's penis,
the more he stands out as
a true man, the higher her anticipation for sex and protection.
Therefore it is ridiculous to say penis size only matters to
some women. It matters to all (normal) women just like a man's voice matters. Women consider a deeper voice more masculine, I don't think anyone disagrees with
that. (Read
Boom and Bust at or
Seduce her in an elevator at Men's Health.) So why would anyone disagree with
the fact that women consider a bigger penis more masculine? Accept it.